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The unfamiliar truth.
We see what’s familiar as better, more important and more ‘true’. That’s not surprising as it’s a fairly known human behavior. But I do wonder if in business it’s more intentional than that. It’s not that we are just too busy to venture into it, or it’s too expensive to research, or it’s too complex to understand … it’s that we don’t want to. Because we don’t really care. We believe it’s less important because it’s less familiar.
The truth about people.
Meet the human being, we are flawed, we are imperfect. We aspire to be and do better, but, you know, not all the time, and not with everyone, and not with every thing. We are complicated.
Our interest in the darkness that lies within human being is very much linked with what we do in our day jobs; however they come, we work hard to really see people. Flaws, contradictions, hypocrisy and all.
Examining human life.
As Michelle and I discussed on the show, we are complex and contradictory creatures and that will never change. So perhaps what is changing is our desire to understand that better. To showcase that ‘humanness’ to others. As Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” That is surely what drives a lot of us into professions where we are paid to examine life and the living.