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Joanna Lepore Joanna Lepore

Music makes the people.

Music stimulates parts of our brain, it engages our physical body, it can alter our moods. It is even said that music is at the center of what it means to be human. It’s an interesting claim considering that we often talk about humans as being visual creatures without perhaps exploring how other senses influence what we ‘see’. But it’s perhaps most interesting because of how little we consider, research or leverage music in the consumer good space.

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Joanna Lepore Joanna Lepore

Examining human life.

As Michelle and I discussed on the show, we are complex and contradictory creatures and that will never change. So perhaps what is changing is our desire to understand that better. To showcase that ‘humanness’ to others. As Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” That is surely what drives a lot of us into professions where we are paid to examine life and the living.

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